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JESUS IS ALIVE :)!. do not believe anyone who tells you he isn’t alive. JESUS CHRIST died for our sins was buried and Rose the third day and through his Blood your sins are FORGIVEN. if youve REPENTED ,believe THE GOSPEL, and Believe in JESUS CHRIST you are SAVED and have Everlasting Life
Jill, those who follow the Lord know by experience that Jesus is alive through the gift of God’s Holy Spirit. As expressed in your comment, can you share why you feel the way you do?
JESUS IS ALIVE :)!. do not believe anyone who tells you he isn’t alive. JESUS CHRIST died for our sins was buried and Rose the third day and through his Blood your sins are FORGIVEN. if youve REPENTED ,believe THE GOSPEL, and Believe in JESUS CHRIST you are SAVED and have Everlasting Life
Jesus is nothing but dust blown into the desert. He is gone never to return. There is no salvation only DEATH.
Jill, those who follow the Lord know by experience that Jesus is alive through the gift of God’s Holy Spirit. As expressed in your comment, can you share why you feel the way you do?
Jesus is alive!!!!!!!!
Amen Matthew, and that’s why there is always hope here and into eternity!