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I just want to say thank you for writing this post. I love how you stuck to the word of God and made it very clear. I was searching about how to pray effectively, but I didn’t know much about my enemy or how the spiritual world worked. I am really grateful for what I just read. Along with the Holy spirit I was able to grasp a lot of knowledge. Thank you and God bless you in Christ Jesus.
I really love this site. You’ve put a lot of work in here that I appreciate so much. Thank you and God bless.
sharply ‘devided’. i love the read. It’s an eye opener.
Enjoyed you explaination of Day of Christ vs Day of the Lord. Thanks.
thanks for the truth, the way and the life you have given us in this short and powerfull , dunamous ….teaching and exhortation…..we are ass ”good soldiers ”’ in a daily battle we need ”angels” warring with us each day help us seek knock and ask for them each and every day..more than 1 hour for best results in CHRIST JESUS……in his name ..amen
Thanking you Magdalene for proclaiming the purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ . “For I proclaim the name of the Lord: ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, A God of Truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He (Deut. 32.3-4).” Mankind weren’t created to accept the lie, we weren’t created to lie, and we weren’t created to do the devil’s will. We were created out of love, to be loved by God, and to share God’s love.
I just want to give Glory to God in Jesus Christ for yet another blessing. As God continues to bless me daily I am forever grateful. I needed a job so desperately and was seeking part time. My job came through just in time. I cannot give thanks enough. I’m believing that it will be a job that I will enjoy and vice a versa. I pray for continued strength and health to see me through until I can retire in 6-7 years. Praise God and his Holy Name everyday. He is an awesome God who truly helps and loves those who keep his commandments. I love you so much!!!
Help me please in jesus name to be delivered from this life and relationship
Hi magdalene the main thing i would like to point out is that bible versions i have a geneva and christian’s use a hebraic bible hebrew which is more accurate than the king james i started researching the bible for the correct accurate version finding out the kjv is ok but has errors from scholars after rewriting it matters as its gods words a holy bible let me know what u think!I put that mark as u used to write to me with that so the rest of your site is good the more we know the better god doesn’t reveal everything know christian knows everything god bless craig
I’m really really interested the scripture and I really need to know what is angelic world. And what is the problem in the Creator’s place.
Note: I want to talk the one who research this very interesting.
I just stumbled upon this site today. I liked it very much and shared with a group I have on FB C.H.R.I.S.T. Christians Reaching Inspirational Strength Together with God 🙂 Anyway, I shared because today’s topic was about being easily offended and how it takes your focus off of God and gives power to the enemy. Anyway, TY have bookmarked and will visit again. Lisa
Thank you for this site! May the Lord bless each person who finds it & may their spirit be lifted in Gods love & wisdom!
I pray the world would all find this site & learn of Gods salvation in Jesus Christ!
Love the site, but very difficult to read the info. The printing needs to move over to the left. The pictures obscure the writing.
Nearing the end of a 40 day water fast with prayer and intercession (definately god appointed)I have been encountering intense spiritual attacks (new levels) and am in need of help and understanding.prayed god would lead me to some decent websites.yours is definately helpfull and enlightening.thank you for your devotion to and understanding of god’s word.
Thank you everyone for your feedback, and sharing your experiences. By doing so, you truly bless us!
Together in Christ,